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aparna03dubey's github profile

A web application that counts the daily water intake of an indivisual.


Bilal1204's github profile

This web application is a clone of LinkTree, a popular tool used for creating a personalized page with multiple links to various online profiles, websites, or resources. With this clone, you can create your own version of a LinkTree-like page and share it with others.

IT Services Web-App

SyedImtiyaz-1's github profile

This website is based on the Projects which is held during the final year of students.

NFT Market

Harshu467's github profile

Master React Native by building a modern NFT Marketplace iOS and Android #ReactNative Application


AbhishekPSingh07's github profile

Building anime recommendation system based only on user viewing history, Genre and other features


AdityaLahane-2003's github profile

The Simon game is the exciting electronic ⚡ game of lights 💡 and sounds 🔊 in which players must repeat random sequences of lights by pressing the colored 🚦pads in the correct order.

To-Do App

kaushal1717's github profile

A simple To-Do app made on Flutter and used Hive as a local storage

MrittikServer-an open-source REST API

hbkabir004's github profile

Mrittik-Server is a REST API that I created using Node.js and Express.js, aimed at helping front-end developers practice building e-commerce projects or need to implement search, sort, and filter functionality without the hassle of dealing with the backend and data.

Toaster Ui

murtazajoo's github profile

Toaster-Ui is a lightweight javascript library that allows you to easily display toast messages in your web application.


rupali-codes's github profile

LinksHub is an open source Hub of ready-to-use tech resources. It contains links to free resources such as images, fonts, color, animation, languages and many more.